Interest Rate Schedule

Thanks for inquiring about interest rates. APY refers to Annual Percentage Yield.


Effective: January 3, 2025

Savings Accounts

Product NameMinimum Opening DepositAPY
First Statement Savingsb $100 0.15%
First Kids Clubb $5


Health Savings Accountb

Product NameMinimum Opening DepositAPY
Health Savings Account $100 3.25%

Checking Accounts 

First Relationship Checkingb

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
Up to $499.99 $100 0.05%
$500 - $2,499.99 $100 0.10%
$2,500 and up $100 0.15%

First Investor's Choice Checkingb $15,000 minimum balance to obtain APY

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
$15,000 - $49,999.99 $15,000 0.25%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 $15,000 0.45%
$100,000 - $199,999.99 $15,000 0.75%
$200,000 and up $15,000 1.00%

First Money Marketb $2,500 minimum balance to obtain APY

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
$2,500 - $14,999.99 $2,500 0.40%
$15,000 - $49,999.99 $2,500 0.45%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 $2,500 0.50%
$100,000 - $199,999.99 $2,500 0.75%
$200,000 and up $2,500 1.00%

 Business Accounts

Business Plus Checkingb

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
Up to $4,999.99 $500 0.10%
$5,000 - $14,999.99 $500 0.10%
$15,000 - $49,999.99 $500 0.25%
$50,000 and up $500 0.50%

Business Money Marketb $2,500 minimum balance to obtain APY

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
$2,500 - $14,999.99 $2,500 0.40%
$15,000 - $49,999.99 $2,500 0.45%
$50,000 - $99,999.99 $2,500 0.50%
$100,000 - $199,999.99 $2,500 0.75%
$200,000 and up $2,500 1.00%

Community Plus Checkingb

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
Up to $99,999.99 N/A 0.25%
$100,000 - $499,999.99 N/A 0.50%
$500,000 - $999,999.99 N/A 1.25%
$1,000,000 and up N/A 1.50%

Community Money Marketb

Daily BalanceMinimum Opening DepositAPY
Up to $99,999.99 N/A 0.25%
$100,000 - $499,999.99 N/A 0.50%
$500,000 - $999,999.99 N/A 1.25%
$1,000,000 and up N/A 1.50%

Certificate of Deposit

TermMinimum Opening DepositAPY
3 Montha $1,000 1.00%
6 Montha $1,000 3.75%
12 Montha $1,000 3.50%
18 Montha $1,000 3.25%
24 Montha $1,000 3.25%
30 Montha $1,000 1.00%
36 Montha $1,000 1.00%
48 Montha $1,000 1.00%
60 Montha $1,000 1.00%

Individual Retirement Accounts

TermMinimum Opening DepositAPY
1 Year Variablea,b $100 3.25%
1 Year Fixeda $100 3.50%
2 Year Fixeda $100 3.25%
2 1/2 Year Fixeda $100 1.00%
3 Year Fixeda $100 1.00%
4 Year Fixeda $100 1.00%
5 Year Fixeda $100 1.00%

a A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
b The interest rate and annual percentage yield may change after account opening.
c Daily balance. The amount of the principal in the account each day.

Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
Interest Rates and Annual Percentage Yields are current as of: January 3, 2025.
For current interest rate information call (815) 432-2494.


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